Saturday, December 15, 2012

Weeks 29-31--I am slacking!

  I was so proud of myself for keeping up with this at the beginning but I have been so slammed when I think about getting on to update something else has to be done. (pregnancy brain doesn't help either!)
so to update (from memory...ha!) Vernon & I attended the child birth class last weekend and we actually enjoyed ourselves and learned ALOT! After taking the class and seeing the different inventions that labor sometimes take- we decided that we would try super hard to have an all natural birth- I am going to try very hard to just "suffer" through and just think about Macyn and her health (as well as mine!) 
BUT then I went to the doctor this week (31 weeks) and was told she is still measuring large and we will do a sonogram at 36-37 weeks to determine "labor decisions" ....when asking OB said they may induce me at 38-39 weeks or a c-section may be best. =/ We aren't sure how we feel...I def want to try to go into labor on my own but I don't want to hold her in for 41-42 weeks and have a 12 lb baby either!  

I've done a little research and I think I will begin using primrose oil at 36 weeks to see if I can "help" myself go into natural labor before getting induced. I also am gunna try other 5 more weeks.

I can't believe she will be here within 8-10's super scary because I feel very unprepared. I have many things I have to do at school and at home before she is here but I know once she is here..everything will be perfect! 

I can't wait to see her!! I know she will be so perfect! <3 and worth all this pain I am feeling. 

I knew that I would be in pain..but my back/hip/leg pain is pretty awful. Thankfully I am about to start prenatal massages and praying they help!
How far along? 31 weeks and 3 days!! 61 more days left!! (til her due date atleast)
Month: December 2012
Baby is as big as a: pineapple! 
Total weight gain: I don't even look anymore....I know its 40+...praying these next 9 weeks I only gain a few pounds!
Maternity clothes?are starting to get tight/short! Don't wanna buy any more but growing out of them for sure and still have atleast 2 more months!
Stretch marks? none yet...praying it stays that way!! 
Sleep: about 2-3 hours a's horrible!
Best moment this week: learning we are going to see Macyn in about 5-6 weeks! :) and getting approved for my prenatal massage :)
Nicknames: Macy May <3
Food cravings: FINALLY healthy stuff! been loving salads! 
Missing sleep and just being "normal" sized!
Anything making you queasy or sick: pain!
Gender: Macyn is ALLL girl <3
Symptoms: hip/back pain, tiredness and just being LARGE!
Belly Button in or out? innie still! I kinda want an outie but will probably never happen! my belly button is so deep- still! 
Mood: beyond blessed!!
Exercise: nothing....and I can totally see. My legs/arms were doing good but I can totally see a HUGE difference within the past month....I hope this baby weight falls off fast!
Looking forward to: Christmas break!! 4.5 more days!!!! 

Few more of my favorite maternity pics <3

Couple shoot was taken at 28-29 weeks and the pink gown was taken at 30 weeks!

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