Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Week 32-35

I am pretty upset with myself on how bad I am of a slacker....

but I can honestly tell you that who ever said once you hit your 3rd trimester it's all down hill from there- was not kidding! 

I have been exhausted from about 32 weeks and now today at 36 weeks- doesn't not think I can go too much longer..but sadly- Macyn still technically has 4 more weeks to bake. 

I will quick update on what's been cracking. 

32 weeks- the week of Christmas- everything was going well- still growing but I was comfortable and throughly enjoyed my 2 week winter break from school:) 

33 weeks- still enjoying winter break and was able to get a few things finished/started in Macyn's room. Was still comfortable as far as sleep and ailments went. Started going to prenatal massages though for the horrible hip/right back pain I was having. feeelllssss so nice :) 

34 weeks- back to work...and definitely in that "tolerable" stage of pregnancy. Hard to sleep (I nap sooo much better) Had doctors appointment. Still measuring 3-4 cm ahead (fundal) and will schedule a sonogram next appointment to see how big she is. Starting to get horrible heartburn and had to break down and take Zantac for it a couple days this week. Still no dropping feeling but definitely getting very large! *lost 8lbs from Thanksgiving too! maybe I should I always stay home?* 

35 weeks problems begin...right at the end! Had severe swelling one afternoon in my foot and OB wanted to see me ASAP the next morning. Was diagnosed with "mild pre-eclampisa" due to my elevated blood pressure (156/94), seeing stars and swelling in arms/legs. Second trip to labor and delivery for Vernon and I...not fun! :( but so good. They tested me and said I was okay to go home and take it easy but now diagnosed as "high risk with pre-e"! and all my weekly appointments begin next week and have to start non-stress tests too....thank goodness I only have a few more weeks left!! 

as far as comfort....HECK NOOO!!! either my wild woman has her head completely lodged under my rib 24/7 or has her hiney lodged under there....but she is NOT moving. Beginning to feel a little pressure and pain down below...but doubt labor will be any day now :P boo! 

My belly is SOOO tight and high I really have to make myself eat. Walking feet/ankles have a permanent red "rash" from the stress of my HUGE body and I am so incredibly exhausted. I can't believe I am still working honestly....or even that I am brave enough to last 2 more weeks but bills have to be momma has to do what momma has to do! 

I did have my baby shower last Saturday though :) It was very nice and I got alot of great things- and my sister n laws actually organized Macyn's room for me! YAY! 

but sad news is we have spent a week traveling back and forth to Gainesville to sit in the ICU waiting room. :( Vernon's meemaw had stomach surgery and then was placed on "life support" was one of the hardest things I have had to go through with my husband...and sadly the outcome is still not here yet. 

I can tell you that on Monday..I never have seen a stronger family then I did. Everyone was saying goodbye as they expected Meemaw not to breathe on her own after being taken off life support....extremely hard to see my husband cry =( but as God is such an all mighty powerful healer...she is still hanging on :) She is still in critical condition but such a sweet little fighter!! I am praying she will be here to see Macyn- I think that's the one thing that would just make Vernon so happy. 

so yes- been a tough 35-36 week for sure!! Have a doctors appointment tomorrow- another stress test as well as monitoring my BP/pre-e to make sure me and baby boop are healthy and safe to keep on this journey...

I can't believe there is only 28 days left until she is possibly here....maybe (PRAYING) sooner! I can't wait to meet our princess <3 

How far along? 36 weeks todayy!
Month: January 2013
Baby is as big as a: melon...def have a watermelon in there! 
Total weight gain: I think I have jumped the 50 lb! I can blame some on water retention though :)
Maternity clothes? It has been 80+ degrees here in Florida so I have been wearing nothing but dresses!
Stretch marks? none yet...praying it stays that way!! only 4 more weeks pretty skin!
Sleep: what the hell is that?
Best moment this week: getting close to D-day! =P
Nicknames: Macy May <3
Food cravings: cold things! I love cereal (Raisin Bran has been my cereal of choice) and anything cold! salads, sandwiches, fruit, veggies, ice cream =P
Missing sleep, being and feeling normal, able to walk like a normal person, regular clothes.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Macyn's head/butt all pushed up under my boobs! 
Gender: Macyn is ALLL girl <3(I hope!)
Symptoms: upper stomach pressure, braxton hicks for sure, pelvic pain (sometimes) and swelling feet/arms
Belly Button in or out? innie still! I kinda want an outie but will probably never happen! my belly button is so deep- still! 
Mood: exhausted!!!!
Exercise: haaaa.....maybe next month.
Looking forward to: my water breaking and going into labor...seriously. like it can happen today!

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