Thursday, June 28, 2012

2nd doctor's visit...

Just an update from yesterday's doctors appointment.

Everything was perfect:) My blood work was perfect (I am A+ blood type- that was cool to find out!) and during my exam my midwife said I looked absolutely perfect. My uterus was where it was suppose to be- even maybe measuring further along but definitely 7-8 weeks pregnant (I was 6 weeks 5 days) and that we will get a ultrasound on JULY 11TH!!! to see and hear the heartbeat.

I wanted to cry. =) I thought they were atleast going to make me wait until I was 10-11 weeks, but nope- I will be 8 weeks and 5days! and it's 2 days before my birthday! Can you say they greatest birthday present ever!! My whole body is filled with chill bumps just thinking about it! I just pray Baby Masters is healthy and has a strong heartbeat <3 I can not wait to experience something so amazing. Just can not wait! =) 2 more weeks! 

My midwife also said that I should be feeling pretty lucky that I am not having morning sickness =) Only 20% of women won't have it! I was scared at first NOT to have it but knowing she said it was fine- I feel better now ;) but don't think I am in the clear- weeks 7-10 are usually the worse as far as symptoms go! Hopefully God is on my side and spares me from it :) but I will take anything- as long as baby M is healthy and growing soooo big and great :) 

God is amazing. <3

Where did this belly come from?? 
All of a sudden this week I am unable to button my size 8 jeans...wah!
but I love my growing belly <3

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Week 6: A so far great week :)

Well an update from last week....comes to find out my "abscessed tooth" was actually only a HORRIBLE sinus infection. Very, very thankful I didn't have to have xrays or a root canal and that right after I popped a sudafed, did nettiepot and slept- I felt 75% better :) Very thankful :) Only took 2 sudafeds and stopped taking all meds right after that!

Other things going on in Baby Masters' world is that Lake City is mostly completely flooded...tropical storm Debby has totally destroyed alot of peoples homes and yards. Thankfully, our yard is just one big puddle :) God is so good!

Tomorrow is another baby doctor appointment too :) I am excited but nervous too! I hate having "exams"..and scared to bleed too but just gotta breathe and know its for the best for me and baby. <3 Gunna try to push and get a sonogram too...just to hear the heartbeat. I just want to hear it and know that everything is a-okay :)

Gotta start taking pictures too...I've taken a few of myself- but even as a photographer- it's super hard to photograph my belly =P

How far along? 6 Weeks and  4 days
Month: June 2012 
Baby is as big as a: bigger than an apple seed :) 
Total weight gain: I actually lost 2 lbs! :)
Maternity clothes? bought 2 bags full from a friend :)
Stretch marks? Hopefully never!
Sleep: better than last week :) just wake up at 3am - hot!
Best moment this week: not taking any meds! :) and having a dr appointment tomorrow :)
Miss Anything? SUSHI! like something crazy. I would love a spicy tuna roll right now...yuummm
Movement: nope..not yet!
Food cravings: mashed potatoes and okra and grilled cheeses! :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: I only get queasy around noon time and then again at night...really weird! 
Gender: we will see in about 10-12 more weeks! I so want a girl!
Labor Signs: Umm, no. Let’s wait until about 39 weeks, okay ;)
Symptoms: fatigue, nauseous, light cramping and backache. Allergies too..=P
Wedding rings on or off? ON! :) 
Mood: super excited- but nervous. I just wish 12 weeks would hurry up!
Purchase Anything/Ideas: maternity clothes and a breast pump! :P
Looking forward to: being 7 weeks :) then 8 then 9....haha :) I want a baby bump!

Week 5: Blessed but in pain.

Week 5 has hit me like a sack of potatoes.

I have been incredibly sleepy and nauseous all week, actually got sick once this week- right before our first OB appointment (5wk3days). May have just been nerves or the fact I am in pain- but I couldn't even shower without getting sick. =(

I also have been fighting, what I think is an abscessed tooth =( Same tooth I just had crowned in February and begged the dentist to pull or root canal at 5 weeks pregnant I am nervous on hurting my baby with meds, xrays and whatever else the doctor has to do. =/ but I have not slept in two days because of the THROBBING pain on the whole left side of my face.

& I swore I wasn't going to take any meds- def. not this early but I have popped regular Tylenol 4 times and benadryl just for some sleep relief...praying I am not making a mess of my growing baby. =( I even rubbed clove oil on my tooth- then AFTER read the bottle which stated "not for pregnant woman"

yes, I freaked. I called the doctor and brushed off the oil 5-6x praying that it had done nothing to my sweet little baby. Nurse said it was too late to do anything now- but using only 1/4 of oil on my tooth- the probability of anything happening is very low. I still am freaking out- praying everything is okay.

so doctors appointment at 3pm and praying she will not do anything but give me antibiotics and WAIT till 2nd trimester to do anything.

Upside of this week- first OB appointment was yesterday (6/19) Vernon was restless because we sat there for 2 hours just to be handed some paperwork to go get my blood work. We sat another 45 mins there but it was worth it. :) maybe not the 6 vials of blood taken from me- but to know that I am healthy and so is baby M, I will do anything! :)

Next appointment is Wednesday 6/27. The appointment I am NOT looking forward too at all. Exam appointment. BOO! =P but knowing that 2 weeks after that I will have my first ultrasound, I am excited :) Can't wait to hear my baby's heartbeat!

How far along? 5 weeks and 4 days
Month: June 2012 
Baby is as big as a: pea :)
Total weight gain: +5 (+1 since last week)
Maternity clothes? Looking- but not buying yet!
Stretch marks? Hopefully never!
Sleep: Benadryl induced sadly :( this toothache isnt allowing me to have any rest.
Best moment this week: Having doctors tell us we were definitely pregnant :) and knowing that we will have out first ultrasound within 3 weeks :)
Miss Anything? SUSHI!! and painpills =P 
Movement: not yet...I wished
Food cravings: haven't really been hungry. Have to make myself eat over the queasiness and pain
Anything making you queasy or sick: pre-natal vitamins and just waking up. 
Gender: not sure yet...the "needle trick" said a girl AND boy....haha hopefully it was kidding :)
Labor Signs: Umm, no. Let’s wait until about 39 weeks, okay ;)
Symptoms: tiredness, dry heaving (TMI!) and overall queasyness. 
Wedding rings on or off? ON! :) 
Mood: nervous because of all the medicine Ive taken over this stupid tooth :(
Purchase Anything/Ideas: a Medela pump :) brand new for only 50 dollars- I couldn't pass it up!
Looking forward to: getting some relief on this tooth ache!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Week 4: The week we found out we were having a baby! <3

This was a super special week. We found out we were pregnant on June 8th, one day after we got engaged the previous year! We told our families the same weekend and then after saying we were going to wait until our first DR appointment, which is on the 19th, we couldn't resist telling everyone else! =P Our little secret definitely didn't last long!

I do have my fears though..about telling EVERYONE so early...but I know God loves me and I know his hands are on me and our Baby Masters. <3 Everything will be a-okay and I need to stop worrying!

How far along? 4 Weeks and 5 days
Month: June 2012 
Baby is as big as a: mustard seed :)
Total weight gain: +4lbs since the beginning of May...eek! LOL
Maternity clothes? Looking- but not buying yet!
Stretch marks? Hopefully never!
Sleep: Having a hard time. Having some backpain (which I have read is normal) and it bothers me...& on top of all the excitement of being pregnant- sleep is not so much! =)
Best moment this week: Telling our family we are pregnant :)
Miss Anything? CHILI DOGS!
Movement: oh I wished! only movement is light cramping and backpain.
Food cravings: buffalo chicken dip and watermelon!
Anything making you queasy or sick: pre-natal vitamins.
Gender: I think BOY and so does everyone else...but we want a girl!
Labor Signs: Umm, no. Let’s wait until about 39 weeks, okay ;)
Symptoms: Tiredness, mild cramping, mild backpain, headaches & only queasy in the morning.
Wedding rings on or off? ON! :) 
Mood: super excited- but nervous. I just wish 12 weeks would hurry up!
Purchase Anything/Ideas: Nothing yet....totally looking though!
Looking forward to: our first pregnancy appointment on the 19th!! =) even though they are just going to drain blood and ask a million questions, I am super excited!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Ever since I was a little girl, my dream was to become a mommy one day. When Vernon and I got engaged- I knew we would start right away trying to have a family, we talked about it before we got engaged and while we were engaged. he just kept always saying- let's not try, lets just be surprised.
April 16th I stopped taking my birth control, totally hearing all the voices of the doctor's and nurse's saying "oh it will take you atleast 3 months if not a year. Not many women get pregnant that fast after being on BC for years....but

I actually haven't even missed my period- I just had a test in my cabinet and my gut was just telling me something was that morning, right before going to my last day of school before summer break...I peed on a stick..and BAM! POSITIVE! +++++

I started screaming and jumping up and down.
"Don't get too excited...don't. OMG! that is a PLUS SIGN! I am pregnant- our first month!"

First Pregnancy test I took :) Hello DARK blue line

Tons of emotions rushed over me...and I knew I had to tell Vernon right away but he was at work.

I called him and told him to hurry home that "my car battery was dead" and I would be really late for work and needed him home right away!

He rushed home and I surprised him...I actually have it on video! I wish I knew how to upload it. It's cute and sweet and he was totally surprised!

so yes, I called the doctor to find out I was 4 weeks pregnant! WHAT! I knew the day we conceived..and it was not 4 weeks ago but it's correct :)
I am actually 4 weeks and 4 days pregnant TODAY! =) Better hurry and post this picture before 5 weeks gets here...:)

Our parents and grandparents are super excited- and siblings are the MOST excited!

We also decided to tell everyone everyone! I couldn't hold it in any longer!!

So yes, this is our blog that will show the growth of me and our sweet baby Masters <3

Second test...just to be sure :) and then I took 2 more! I was in such disbelief it happened the first month we tried.