Sunday, February 10, 2013

  Still a major slacker....but still want to docment the END of pregnancy before Macyn gets here and everything is deleted from my memory and replaced with images and memories of her! 

I have had a rough end of pregnancy but very blessed that Macyn is still in there and full term now! (I am 39 weeks and 3 days today!) 

but for about a week now...I have been counting down the days even though there is no end in sight! =P

Even though I have been diagnosied with mild pre-e- I still continued to work until I was 39 weeks +1 day even though that night I was defiently feeling the wrath of it! My right foot/leg has been swelling to an elephant size and yes! I freaked out. Thankfully after a call to Shelly (my midwife) she assured me I was probably okay and just to sleep it off- it was better by morning, thank God! 

We got to see Macyn's sweet little chunky face on Jan 29th to see what she was estimated to weigh. They told us 7lbs 4 oz (at 37 weeks!) but midwife swears she will be a little bit bigger than that- guess we will see. 

39 week check up I think was the hardest so far. Was told I would have to be induced unless "by miracle" I went before my due date. He is inducing because of her size and my blood pressure because she hasn't dropped and I haven't dilated or effaced really (50% 1cm -- for 2 weeks now) 

I cried. =( I just want to have natural labor and birth! so sitting here at 39+3 I am praying she will come soooon! We pick a date on Wednesday on when to have her this weekend. 

Emotions are over coming me (and V too) knowing that this is our last week as just me and him. We are so excited that we will soon have a daughter but I know it is going to be tough! I just pray we are strong for each other and for Macyn. 

I think now the time has come- I am just worried she won't be perfect. Even though she will be perfect in my eyes no matter what- I want her perfect in everyone else's too! 

We will see though- def feeling "early labor" symptoms. Back is achy, crampy, tightness, pelvic pain GALORE (mostly on right side) and finally lost something lasting night! Now just praying she comes before Agrios takes her this weekend :( 

so yes- will I do this again? probably not. LOL I am amazingly blessed in having a text book pregnancy though- if there is a next time- I will not gain as much as weight and I will be sure to save $ for maternity leave!
How far along? 39 weeks + 3 (ONLY 4 DAYS TIL HER DUE DATE!) 
Month: February 2013
Baby is as big as a: a pumpkin!
Total weight gain: over 50lbs! =/ but I haven't gained any in a couple weeks so that's good! =)
Maternity clothes?slowly growing out of them! I have one pair of jeans I wear and the rest are my dresses!
Stretch marks? NONE! and I pray they stay away during and after birth too! :) I love my smooth belly!
Sleep: unisom induced!
Best moment this week: knowing that Macyn will be here this week!
Nicknames: Macy May <3
Food cravings: still on my cold kick! cereal, strawberry/chocolate milk, sushi & even water! 
Missing just being me and not in pain! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: I get queasy sometimes....but mostly anxiety stricken sickness!
Gender: Macyn is ALLL girl <3
Symptoms: back ache, horrible swelling, crampy.
Belly Button in or out? innie still! I kinda want an outie but will probably never happen!
Mood: SO READY but NOT SO READY! haha. 
Exercise: I try to walk...but it hurts! I will start that E word soon though!!!
Looking forward to: my water breaking and going into labor...seriously. like it can happen today! 

Macyn's cute little face at 37.5 weeks <3 Cant wait to meet my chunky monkey!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Week 32-35

I am pretty upset with myself on how bad I am of a slacker....

but I can honestly tell you that who ever said once you hit your 3rd trimester it's all down hill from there- was not kidding! 

I have been exhausted from about 32 weeks and now today at 36 weeks- doesn't not think I can go too much longer..but sadly- Macyn still technically has 4 more weeks to bake. 

I will quick update on what's been cracking. 

32 weeks- the week of Christmas- everything was going well- still growing but I was comfortable and throughly enjoyed my 2 week winter break from school:) 

33 weeks- still enjoying winter break and was able to get a few things finished/started in Macyn's room. Was still comfortable as far as sleep and ailments went. Started going to prenatal massages though for the horrible hip/right back pain I was having. feeelllssss so nice :) 

34 weeks- back to work...and definitely in that "tolerable" stage of pregnancy. Hard to sleep (I nap sooo much better) Had doctors appointment. Still measuring 3-4 cm ahead (fundal) and will schedule a sonogram next appointment to see how big she is. Starting to get horrible heartburn and had to break down and take Zantac for it a couple days this week. Still no dropping feeling but definitely getting very large! *lost 8lbs from Thanksgiving too! maybe I should I always stay home?* 

35 weeks problems begin...right at the end! Had severe swelling one afternoon in my foot and OB wanted to see me ASAP the next morning. Was diagnosed with "mild pre-eclampisa" due to my elevated blood pressure (156/94), seeing stars and swelling in arms/legs. Second trip to labor and delivery for Vernon and I...not fun! :( but so good. They tested me and said I was okay to go home and take it easy but now diagnosed as "high risk with pre-e"! and all my weekly appointments begin next week and have to start non-stress tests too....thank goodness I only have a few more weeks left!! 

as far as comfort....HECK NOOO!!! either my wild woman has her head completely lodged under my rib 24/7 or has her hiney lodged under there....but she is NOT moving. Beginning to feel a little pressure and pain down below...but doubt labor will be any day now :P boo! 

My belly is SOOO tight and high I really have to make myself eat. Walking feet/ankles have a permanent red "rash" from the stress of my HUGE body and I am so incredibly exhausted. I can't believe I am still working honestly....or even that I am brave enough to last 2 more weeks but bills have to be momma has to do what momma has to do! 

I did have my baby shower last Saturday though :) It was very nice and I got alot of great things- and my sister n laws actually organized Macyn's room for me! YAY! 

but sad news is we have spent a week traveling back and forth to Gainesville to sit in the ICU waiting room. :( Vernon's meemaw had stomach surgery and then was placed on "life support" was one of the hardest things I have had to go through with my husband...and sadly the outcome is still not here yet. 

I can tell you that on Monday..I never have seen a stronger family then I did. Everyone was saying goodbye as they expected Meemaw not to breathe on her own after being taken off life support....extremely hard to see my husband cry =( but as God is such an all mighty powerful healer...she is still hanging on :) She is still in critical condition but such a sweet little fighter!! I am praying she will be here to see Macyn- I think that's the one thing that would just make Vernon so happy. 

so yes- been a tough 35-36 week for sure!! Have a doctors appointment tomorrow- another stress test as well as monitoring my BP/pre-e to make sure me and baby boop are healthy and safe to keep on this journey...

I can't believe there is only 28 days left until she is possibly here....maybe (PRAYING) sooner! I can't wait to meet our princess <3 

How far along? 36 weeks todayy!
Month: January 2013
Baby is as big as a: melon...def have a watermelon in there! 
Total weight gain: I think I have jumped the 50 lb! I can blame some on water retention though :)
Maternity clothes? It has been 80+ degrees here in Florida so I have been wearing nothing but dresses!
Stretch marks? none yet...praying it stays that way!! only 4 more weeks pretty skin!
Sleep: what the hell is that?
Best moment this week: getting close to D-day! =P
Nicknames: Macy May <3
Food cravings: cold things! I love cereal (Raisin Bran has been my cereal of choice) and anything cold! salads, sandwiches, fruit, veggies, ice cream =P
Missing sleep, being and feeling normal, able to walk like a normal person, regular clothes.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Macyn's head/butt all pushed up under my boobs! 
Gender: Macyn is ALLL girl <3(I hope!)
Symptoms: upper stomach pressure, braxton hicks for sure, pelvic pain (sometimes) and swelling feet/arms
Belly Button in or out? innie still! I kinda want an outie but will probably never happen! my belly button is so deep- still! 
Mood: exhausted!!!!
Exercise: haaaa.....maybe next month.
Looking forward to: my water breaking and going into labor...seriously. like it can happen today!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Weeks 29-31--I am slacking!

  I was so proud of myself for keeping up with this at the beginning but I have been so slammed when I think about getting on to update something else has to be done. (pregnancy brain doesn't help either!)
so to update (from memory...ha!) Vernon & I attended the child birth class last weekend and we actually enjoyed ourselves and learned ALOT! After taking the class and seeing the different inventions that labor sometimes take- we decided that we would try super hard to have an all natural birth- I am going to try very hard to just "suffer" through and just think about Macyn and her health (as well as mine!) 
BUT then I went to the doctor this week (31 weeks) and was told she is still measuring large and we will do a sonogram at 36-37 weeks to determine "labor decisions" ....when asking OB said they may induce me at 38-39 weeks or a c-section may be best. =/ We aren't sure how we feel...I def want to try to go into labor on my own but I don't want to hold her in for 41-42 weeks and have a 12 lb baby either!  

I've done a little research and I think I will begin using primrose oil at 36 weeks to see if I can "help" myself go into natural labor before getting induced. I also am gunna try other 5 more weeks.

I can't believe she will be here within 8-10's super scary because I feel very unprepared. I have many things I have to do at school and at home before she is here but I know once she is here..everything will be perfect! 

I can't wait to see her!! I know she will be so perfect! <3 and worth all this pain I am feeling. 

I knew that I would be in pain..but my back/hip/leg pain is pretty awful. Thankfully I am about to start prenatal massages and praying they help!
How far along? 31 weeks and 3 days!! 61 more days left!! (til her due date atleast)
Month: December 2012
Baby is as big as a: pineapple! 
Total weight gain: I don't even look anymore....I know its 40+...praying these next 9 weeks I only gain a few pounds!
Maternity clothes?are starting to get tight/short! Don't wanna buy any more but growing out of them for sure and still have atleast 2 more months!
Stretch marks? none yet...praying it stays that way!! 
Sleep: about 2-3 hours a's horrible!
Best moment this week: learning we are going to see Macyn in about 5-6 weeks! :) and getting approved for my prenatal massage :)
Nicknames: Macy May <3
Food cravings: FINALLY healthy stuff! been loving salads! 
Missing sleep and just being "normal" sized!
Anything making you queasy or sick: pain!
Gender: Macyn is ALLL girl <3
Symptoms: hip/back pain, tiredness and just being LARGE!
Belly Button in or out? innie still! I kinda want an outie but will probably never happen! my belly button is so deep- still! 
Mood: beyond blessed!!
Exercise: nothing....and I can totally see. My legs/arms were doing good but I can totally see a HUGE difference within the past month....I hope this baby weight falls off fast!
Looking forward to: Christmas break!! 4.5 more days!!!! 

Few more of my favorite maternity pics <3

Couple shoot was taken at 28-29 weeks and the pink gown was taken at 30 weeks!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Oops! Week 26-28

I can honestly say that I have never been so busier in my life! 

How in the world did I ever manage graduating grad school, teach full time and plan a wedding winter/spring? EEK! Guess that I do know--that's when this "season" is all over- I can look back and say "whoo hoo I made it" 

but yes- I have been crazy busy, not only busy with working 3 jobs (teaching, tutoring and photography) but also with family and housework and OH being 7 months pregnant! 

I have GROWN so much I don't even recognize myself sometimes anymore. I know that I will only get bigger so I can't really complain- but gooood gravy- Macyn (and I) are HUGE! Now there are days where I look at myself buck naked and think "wow, I really thought I would be the size of a house by now and not a small car" but then times I catch myself in the mirror and think "good lord woman- you are huge!" all for a good cause though---:) and God would have not created me or Macyn for that fact if he knew my body would not be able to handle it :) 

and sooo....the last 2 weeks, what has been going on? 

I think the last time I wrote I had just left my 25 weeks doctor visit--if not bless my pregnancy brain soul. 

anyways- I was measuring funal height 4 weeks ahead- Macyn was 10 days a ahead at 20 weeks so we know she is atleast a week ahead BUT I am measuring 4 weeks ahead!! EEK! 

Doctor's appointment at 28 weeks declared the same thing...except I was 1 cm smaller--still an average of 3-4 weeks bigger as far as belly/baby size goes. 

sooo Agrios says these things:

1) large baby
2) breech baby (we already know she was at 24 weeks still) that is sitting crossed legged and is making her "taller" than she really is.
3) too much fluid 
4) I am really 2-3 weeks ahead

so what's next I ask? Assuming an ultrasound would be the best diagnostic tool...nope! just another visit in 3 weeks--this time I see Dr Iobst and he is usually the "get the job done" kinda guy so I am hoping he will order us one soon! I just wanna see my baby girl again- that's all- for free :P

speaking of which---still undecided about 4D US. It just cost $$--and $$ we don't really have so we may be just SOL until Macyn pops her little head out! Guess we will see....running out of time though! 

We are doing "Lamaze" class on December 8th & 9th--I am really excited but nervous at the same time! I really am just hoping we don't blow $60 on this class then I am forced to do a c-section cause sweet cheeks won't turn around =P guess it's all about the experience though...can say that we have done it- atleast once :) 

so yeah--pretty much sums up the past few holiday weeks. Had thanksgiving, got our maternity pics done and Macyn's nursery (somewhat) put together :) now it's the waiting game I assume....10-11 more weeks and counting (really praying it's 8-9 more weeks) but atleast she is still in there and cooking!! :) 

She is a karate kid too!! Def. loves to put the moves on Momma!

How far along? typing this I am 29 weeks today! YAY!
Month: November 2012
Baby is as big as a: large cabbage!
Total weight gain:oh good gravy...I think 38lbs. Just awful Amber!! Praying I don't go over 50!
Maternity clothes? love love love my tights! Never though I would- but I doooo!
Stretch marks? none yet...praying it stays that way!! 
Sleep: not so well anymore :(
Best moment this week: maternity pics turning out so good and seeing family!
Nicknames: Aunt Jessi calls Macyn "MayMay" and it's sticking =P 
Food cravings: I just eat whatever! =P mostly spaghetti and sweet stuff! =P 
Missing: being "normal"!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing at all---except hip pain!
Gender: Macyn is ALLL girl <3
Symptoms: hip/back pain, tiredness and just being LARGE!
Belly Button in or out? innie still! I kinda want an outie but will probably never happen! my belly button is so deep- still! 
Mood: beyond blessed!!
Exercise: ha. Thankfully I am getting my treadmill back so maybe something will click these past few weeks!
Looking forward to: Christmas break and having Macyn!! 

Few of my favorite maternity shots! 



Monday, November 5, 2012

Week 24 - Preterm labor scare! & week 25

Macyn has been growing like a weed...almost too much!! =P My belly is getting bigger by the minute it seems. 

but on Tuesday, October 23rd we feared for our daughters life. 

I don't think Vernon and I have ever been more scared. I wasn't worried about me at all- I was only worried about HER! 

At 7:45am I was on the way to work--in a blink of an eye, a deer darted out in front of me causing me to swerve and strike him with the right side of my vehicle. 

I took a deep breathe and knew I was alright...I jumped out and seen that my car was fine and called my husband, trying not to panic! 

Just as I said I was fine and was heading to school- I started getting SHARP pains in my abdomen and knew I needed to go to the ER and get checked out--little did I know I would be rushed by ambulance to Gainesville's labor and delivery and be told I was having contractions 2-3 minutes apart. 

The fear alone is something I never want to experience in my life. We knew that Macyn would probably not survive if she was born at 24 weeks and if we knew that we would be looking at 3-6 lonnnnggg months living in a hospital with her while she was NICU. 

but thankfully Jesus has a plan for mine, Vernon and Macyn's life and allowed modern medicine to help stop my contractions. 

We found out though that Macyn is a large little thing and also breech but everything else looked a-okay! 

On my checkup after the accident--I found out that I am measuring  4 cm ahead according to my fundal height so Macyn is either a BIG girl, I have alot of fluid on my belly OR I am farther ahead then we think...we are going to see soon with another ultrasound! 

but she is perfect. Her heartbeat was 155bpm at the hospital and even though she was probably in some distress- she came out like a champion and allowed Vernon and I to be so thankful for the little things in life! <3 

I also found out I do NOT have gestational diabetes!! YAY!! 

Even though I am sporting a HUGE bruise from the test for almost a week and a half now...I am so thankful I do not have to worry about watching what I eat and such. :) 

How far along? typing this I am 25 weeks and 4 days!
Month: November 2012
Baby is as big as a: rutabaga....what in the world? =P 
Total weight gain: only because I promise next time (if there is one) I won't gain this much weight...but I am up 31lbs at almost 26 weeks..EEKK!!
Maternity clothes? love my maternity clothes! <3 Wish I had more $$ to buy more!
Stretch marks? none! I pray that they don't ever come! 
Sleep: between peeing every 5 mins and trying to get comfortable- it's very little! 
Best moment this week: having zero contractions! and still being pregnant! =) I also went shopping for Macyn and got her some CUUUUTTTEEE outfits :)
Nicknames: Maymay or Macy.
Food cravings: sweeeets! and salt and vinegar chips- just say no! my dear sweet husband just thought he would be amazing and buy butterfingers (pregnant woman's crack!) and reeses for Halloween...well we gave out ZERO candy for Halloween so I have been eating it ALL!
Missing: wearing normal clothes! This year has the cutest clothes!
Anything making you queasy or sick: this year's presidential election.
Gender: Macyn is ALLL girl <3
Symptoms: feet hurt all the time now and this belly is a growing bigger! 
Belly Button in or out? innie still! I kinda want an outie but will probably never happen! my belly button is so deep- still! 
Mood: beyond blessed!!
Exercise: walking!
Looking forward to: getting my new WHITE crib set from Mom and Dad (who are the greatest!!), eating FAIR food tonight and just getting closer to meet our little blessing!

24 weeks!

25 weeks <3 Macyn sure is a MOO MOO!



Monday, October 15, 2012

Week 19, 20, 21 & 22!!

 First and foremost...

 God answered lur prayers and the desires of our heart and she is ALLLLL girl :) 

Sweet little Macyn May! 

I don't remember much before in week 19 but week 20 was sooo amazing <3 and I have been so busy with school, reveal party, church and life (with a baby girl inside of me) I totally forgot about updating this blog! 

The day we went to see her ultrasound, Sept 25, 2012, Vernon and I both were nervous...but not about if she was a boy or girl- we just wanted her to be healthy! and that she was!! I prayed that God would show us her "parts" and we would know 100% what she was...& as soon as the sonographer placed the thingy on my belly- she was allllll girl!!! She had her little butt pressed against my belly and we could see she had no winky and all her little "parts" <3 
I screamed "it's a girlllll" and Lucy (our sonographer) said yes it is! :) Vernon just made small talk I think not to get emotional. I could see it in his eyes though--he was so happy we were having a girl. We both longed for her and prayed for a girl- though a boy would be perfect too...we really wanted a girl <3 

She was perfect. Though she was sleeping- she quickly woke up and started waving to us, then hiding her face and kicking her legs. She is perfect! 
On Thursday- I found a lady on craiglist and paid $25 for a 4D video. I cried in that one because she was just precious!!  She kept trying to suck her thumb and we got a perfect face shot <3 Can't wait to see her again!! 

I go back at 24 weeks for my GD test and praying that I am okay- praying that I do not have it, even though I have gained a significant amount of weight (that I will lose within 6 months- promising now!) but we will see :) I will also schedule my 4D ultrasound at doctor's office too <3 

I can't believe we on the down slope now :) She will be here in less than 4 months!! 

Doctor also expects her to come a little sooner than Feb 14 just because she was measuring a little larger...but we will see again at my next ultrasound in about 6-8 weeks :) 

We also painted her nursery this weekend (10/13). Baby pink and green! and got her crib set in. Vernon's mom also bought a bassinet for us and we both have bought Macyn May cute little outfits :) She is going to be spoillllleeeedd!!!

How far along? typing this I am 22 weeks & 4 days!! eek! Only 17.5 weeks to go!!
Month: October 2012
Baby is as big as a: grapefruit
Total weight gain: last appointment (9/25) I was up 22lbs. =/ I am trying not to worry about it anymore...I have gained 7lbs every 6-7 weeks so hopefully I will only gain 40lbs by the end!
Maternity clothes? I am starting to out grow them! LOL my belly is getting bigger and bigger!
Stretch marks?I think I have 2 little ones...they are tiny purple-ish lines...almost like a vein (Macyn has given me a nice HUGE varicose vein on the back of my leg!)
Sleep: I feel like I don't get enough...but I am in bed by 8pm everynight! It's getting harder- that's for sure!
Best moment this week: weeks? finding out that Macyn is a GIRL!! 
Nicknames: Macyn, Macyn May, M&M.
Food cravings: oreos!! I need to stoooopp!! and candy! <3
Missing: my old body!
Anything making you queasy or sick: chicken still makes me icky poo.
Gender: She is a beautiful baby girl
Symptoms: tired, my legs are starting to hurt and boobies are sore too!
Belly Button in or out? innie!
Mood: beyond blessed!! now just ready for her to be here :)
Exercise: been walking...but that's about it.
Looking forward to: PASSING my GD test, finishing up Macyn's nursery and shopping! 


20 weeks!! Squeezed myself and Macyn into a size 8 dress!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Week 18 =)

  This week has been pretty normal. Some-days I forget that I am even pregnant- yes! Even with this belly a growing. Have had some back pain earlier in the week, but hoping it was just from working over the weekend doing pictures. :) 

Baby boo is doing well though! Heartbeat this week dropped to the 140's but still praying for that little girl! We will find out in 5 days if it's a boy or girl! 

I really don't care- but secretly do want a sweet baby girl!
How far along? 18 weeks
Month: September 2012
Baby is as big as a: bell pepper!
Total weight gain: ohhhh about 19 lbs....wahhh! I am doing good on eating and exercise! What's going on! =P
Maternity clothes? yessss ma'am! They are so comfortable! :) 
Stretch marks? none yet! Praying they will never come.
Sleep: Not to well this week....=(
Best moment this week: being a week before we see our baby again! and find out it's sex! 
Nicknames: Baby Boo mostly. 
Food cravings: nothing too crazy this week. I've been eating healthier which is good :)
Missing:not worrying about weight gain!
Anything making you queasy or sick: thankfully no! :)
Gender: I don't even know anymore! We find out SOON!
Symptoms: tired and backache.
Belly Button in or out? innie!
Mood: blessed! excited, exhausted and anxious to see baby boo.
Exercise: been walking 20-40 mins a day! Must need to do more!
Looking forward to: eeing our BABY!! :) 
18 weeks & 6 days- where is that 20 lbs? ALL IN MY BELLY!