Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Oops! Week 26-28

I can honestly say that I have never been so busier in my life! 

How in the world did I ever manage graduating grad school, teach full time and plan a wedding winter/spring? EEK! Guess that I do know--that's when this "season" is all over- I can look back and say "whoo hoo I made it" 

but yes- I have been crazy busy, not only busy with working 3 jobs (teaching, tutoring and photography) but also with family and housework and OH being 7 months pregnant! 

I have GROWN so much I don't even recognize myself sometimes anymore. I know that I will only get bigger so I can't really complain- but gooood gravy- Macyn (and I) are HUGE! Now there are days where I look at myself buck naked and think "wow, I really thought I would be the size of a house by now and not a small car" but then times I catch myself in the mirror and think "good lord woman- you are huge!" all for a good cause though---:) and God would have not created me or Macyn for that fact if he knew my body would not be able to handle it :) 

and sooo....the last 2 weeks, what has been going on? 

I think the last time I wrote I had just left my 25 weeks doctor visit--if not bless my pregnancy brain soul. 

anyways- I was measuring funal height 4 weeks ahead- Macyn was 10 days a ahead at 20 weeks so we know she is atleast a week ahead BUT I am measuring 4 weeks ahead!! EEK! 

Doctor's appointment at 28 weeks declared the same thing...except I was 1 cm smaller--still an average of 3-4 weeks bigger as far as belly/baby size goes. 

sooo Agrios says these things:

1) large baby
2) breech baby (we already know she was at 24 weeks still) that is sitting crossed legged and is making her "taller" than she really is.
3) too much fluid 
4) I am really 2-3 weeks ahead

so what's next I ask? Assuming an ultrasound would be the best diagnostic tool...nope! just another visit in 3 weeks--this time I see Dr Iobst and he is usually the "get the job done" kinda guy so I am hoping he will order us one soon! I just wanna see my baby girl again- that's all- for free :P

speaking of which---still undecided about 4D US. It just cost $$--and $$ we don't really have so we may be just SOL until Macyn pops her little head out! Guess we will see....running out of time though! 

We are doing "Lamaze" class on December 8th & 9th--I am really excited but nervous at the same time! I really am just hoping we don't blow $60 on this class then I am forced to do a c-section cause sweet cheeks won't turn around =P guess it's all about the experience though...can say that we have done it- atleast once :) 

so yeah--pretty much sums up the past few holiday weeks. Had thanksgiving, got our maternity pics done and Macyn's nursery (somewhat) put together :) now it's the waiting game I assume....10-11 more weeks and counting (really praying it's 8-9 more weeks) but atleast she is still in there and cooking!! :) 

She is a karate kid too!! Def. loves to put the moves on Momma!

How far along? typing this I am 29 weeks today! YAY!
Month: November 2012
Baby is as big as a: large cabbage!
Total weight gain:oh good gravy...I think 38lbs. Just awful Amber!! Praying I don't go over 50!
Maternity clothes? love love love my tights! Never though I would- but I doooo!
Stretch marks? none yet...praying it stays that way!! 
Sleep: not so well anymore :(
Best moment this week: maternity pics turning out so good and seeing family!
Nicknames: Aunt Jessi calls Macyn "MayMay" and it's sticking =P 
Food cravings: I just eat whatever! =P mostly spaghetti and sweet stuff! =P 
Missing: being "normal"!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing at all---except hip pain!
Gender: Macyn is ALLL girl <3
Symptoms: hip/back pain, tiredness and just being LARGE!
Belly Button in or out? innie still! I kinda want an outie but will probably never happen! my belly button is so deep- still! 
Mood: beyond blessed!!
Exercise: ha. Thankfully I am getting my treadmill back so maybe something will click these past few weeks!
Looking forward to: Christmas break and having Macyn!! 

Few of my favorite maternity shots! 



Monday, November 5, 2012

Week 24 - Preterm labor scare! & week 25

Macyn has been growing like a weed...almost too much!! =P My belly is getting bigger by the minute it seems. 

but on Tuesday, October 23rd we feared for our daughters life. 

I don't think Vernon and I have ever been more scared. I wasn't worried about me at all- I was only worried about HER! 

At 7:45am I was on the way to work--in a blink of an eye, a deer darted out in front of me causing me to swerve and strike him with the right side of my vehicle. 

I took a deep breathe and knew I was alright...I jumped out and seen that my car was fine and called my husband, trying not to panic! 

Just as I said I was fine and was heading to school- I started getting SHARP pains in my abdomen and knew I needed to go to the ER and get checked out--little did I know I would be rushed by ambulance to Gainesville's labor and delivery and be told I was having contractions 2-3 minutes apart. 

The fear alone is something I never want to experience in my life. We knew that Macyn would probably not survive if she was born at 24 weeks and if we knew that we would be looking at 3-6 lonnnnggg months living in a hospital with her while she was NICU. 

but thankfully Jesus has a plan for mine, Vernon and Macyn's life and allowed modern medicine to help stop my contractions. 

We found out though that Macyn is a large little thing and also breech but everything else looked a-okay! 

On my checkup after the accident--I found out that I am measuring  4 cm ahead according to my fundal height so Macyn is either a BIG girl, I have alot of fluid on my belly OR I am farther ahead then we think...we are going to see soon with another ultrasound! 

but she is perfect. Her heartbeat was 155bpm at the hospital and even though she was probably in some distress- she came out like a champion and allowed Vernon and I to be so thankful for the little things in life! <3 

I also found out I do NOT have gestational diabetes!! YAY!! 

Even though I am sporting a HUGE bruise from the test for almost a week and a half now...I am so thankful I do not have to worry about watching what I eat and such. :) 

How far along? typing this I am 25 weeks and 4 days!
Month: November 2012
Baby is as big as a: rutabaga....what in the world? =P 
Total weight gain: only because I promise next time (if there is one) I won't gain this much weight...but I am up 31lbs at almost 26 weeks..EEKK!!
Maternity clothes? love my maternity clothes! <3 Wish I had more $$ to buy more!
Stretch marks? none! I pray that they don't ever come! 
Sleep: between peeing every 5 mins and trying to get comfortable- it's very little! 
Best moment this week: having zero contractions! and still being pregnant! =) I also went shopping for Macyn and got her some CUUUUTTTEEE outfits :)
Nicknames: Maymay or Macy.
Food cravings: sweeeets! and salt and vinegar chips- just say no! my dear sweet husband just thought he would be amazing and buy butterfingers (pregnant woman's crack!) and reeses for Halloween...well we gave out ZERO candy for Halloween so I have been eating it ALL!
Missing: wearing normal clothes! This year has the cutest clothes!
Anything making you queasy or sick: this year's presidential election.
Gender: Macyn is ALLL girl <3
Symptoms: feet hurt all the time now and this belly is a growing bigger! 
Belly Button in or out? innie still! I kinda want an outie but will probably never happen! my belly button is so deep- still! 
Mood: beyond blessed!!
Exercise: walking!
Looking forward to: getting my new WHITE crib set from Mom and Dad (who are the greatest!!), eating FAIR food tonight and just getting closer to meet our little blessing!

24 weeks!

25 weeks <3 Macyn sure is a MOO MOO!