Thursday, September 20, 2012

Week 18 =)

  This week has been pretty normal. Some-days I forget that I am even pregnant- yes! Even with this belly a growing. Have had some back pain earlier in the week, but hoping it was just from working over the weekend doing pictures. :) 

Baby boo is doing well though! Heartbeat this week dropped to the 140's but still praying for that little girl! We will find out in 5 days if it's a boy or girl! 

I really don't care- but secretly do want a sweet baby girl!
How far along? 18 weeks
Month: September 2012
Baby is as big as a: bell pepper!
Total weight gain: ohhhh about 19 lbs....wahhh! I am doing good on eating and exercise! What's going on! =P
Maternity clothes? yessss ma'am! They are so comfortable! :) 
Stretch marks? none yet! Praying they will never come.
Sleep: Not to well this week....=(
Best moment this week: being a week before we see our baby again! and find out it's sex! 
Nicknames: Baby Boo mostly. 
Food cravings: nothing too crazy this week. I've been eating healthier which is good :)
Missing:not worrying about weight gain!
Anything making you queasy or sick: thankfully no! :)
Gender: I don't even know anymore! We find out SOON!
Symptoms: tired and backache.
Belly Button in or out? innie!
Mood: blessed! excited, exhausted and anxious to see baby boo.
Exercise: been walking 20-40 mins a day! Must need to do more!
Looking forward to: eeing our BABY!! :) 
18 weeks & 6 days- where is that 20 lbs? ALL IN MY BELLY!

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