Thursday, September 20, 2012

Week 18 =)

  This week has been pretty normal. Some-days I forget that I am even pregnant- yes! Even with this belly a growing. Have had some back pain earlier in the week, but hoping it was just from working over the weekend doing pictures. :) 

Baby boo is doing well though! Heartbeat this week dropped to the 140's but still praying for that little girl! We will find out in 5 days if it's a boy or girl! 

I really don't care- but secretly do want a sweet baby girl!
How far along? 18 weeks
Month: September 2012
Baby is as big as a: bell pepper!
Total weight gain: ohhhh about 19 lbs....wahhh! I am doing good on eating and exercise! What's going on! =P
Maternity clothes? yessss ma'am! They are so comfortable! :) 
Stretch marks? none yet! Praying they will never come.
Sleep: Not to well this week....=(
Best moment this week: being a week before we see our baby again! and find out it's sex! 
Nicknames: Baby Boo mostly. 
Food cravings: nothing too crazy this week. I've been eating healthier which is good :)
Missing:not worrying about weight gain!
Anything making you queasy or sick: thankfully no! :)
Gender: I don't even know anymore! We find out SOON!
Symptoms: tired and backache.
Belly Button in or out? innie!
Mood: blessed! excited, exhausted and anxious to see baby boo.
Exercise: been walking 20-40 mins a day! Must need to do more!
Looking forward to: eeing our BABY!! :) 
18 weeks & 6 days- where is that 20 lbs? ALL IN MY BELLY!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week 15 & 16 & 17 =)

  It has been so crazy lately with working I have not be able to get on and update =) Lots of changes have happened in the past 3 weeks- including this HUGE belly that has popped up :) I love it! I can also feel Baby boo move around. No kicking/jabbing yet but definitely movement- and sometimes it hurts! Baby gets in a tight ball low in my tummy and all I can feel is this tight stretching- could be uterus or Braxton Hicks. Not too sure yet! Only lasts for a few minutes and then goes away. 

I mostly feel baby boo in the morning when I am waking up or when I eat something spicy/hot. Had chili dogs the other night- and she/he did not like or reallly liked it! Was moving all around from side to side- it was an awesome feeling but that's when the pain kinda began. Baby LOVES being on the right side and now ventures over to the left side- and that's where the "stretching" feeling begins.
I love feeling baby though :) and heartbeat has been upper 40's last time I checked. Not as fast as previously but still there :) 
Seriously thinking baby M is a GIRL too (We will find out in 16 days!!) but the way I am shaped, the foods I craved, my face breaking out and just the overall feeling- I am thinking baby is a SHE! We will see though...either way I will be super happy!

*16 WEEKS- had serious heart palpation! Had to call the DR. Thought something was wrong- but they said everything should be fine and that it was normal. Scared the bejesus out of me!*

How far along? 17 weeks 3 days  
Month: September 2012
Baby is as big as a: TURNIP! I can feel her/him too! The whole little "turnip" sometimes I think I can feel a leg/arm but then it could just be my imagination.
Total weight gain: I don't even wanna worry about it anymore! =P I am hoping under 15lbs! 
Maternity clothes? yessss ma'am! They are so comfortable! :) 
Stretch marks? none yet! Praying they will never come.
Sleep: I have good days and bad. The dry mouth thing is the worst.
Best moment this week: my "baby bump" growing :)
Nicknames: Baby Boo mostly. 
Food cravings: grapes, saltine crackers and strawberry jelly, raw oysters, dos xxx beer! Serious cravings too! I had a few oysters and a few sips of beer- hopefully it will be okay! 
Missing: wearing my cute dresses!
Anything making you queasy or sick: thankfully no! :)
Gender: I think it's a girl...and so does everyone else! BUT we will see <3 
Symptoms: tired, feet/hands swelling, PEEING all the time and boobs still sore. As well as the "tightness feeling from time to time in my lower belly.
Belly Button in or out? innie!
Mood: blessed! excited, exhausted and anxious to see baby boo.
Exercise: just started my prenatal pilates and it's hard! gotta start walking everyday but so tired after school 
Looking forward to: growing more with baby boo and seeing what it is in 14 more days!!!  

17 weeks 5 days- WHOOOOAAAA MOMMA!!


16 weeks & 5 days: the week Vernon asked what I was hiding under my shirt!